Funny Facts About Colombia: The Land Of Smiles

Colombia is a country that is rich in culture, history, and natural beauty. But it’s not just the serious stuff that makes this country attractive. Many quirky and humorous aspects of Colombian life are worth exploring. From the obsession with bananas to hilarious superstitions, surprising inventions, and oddball sports, Colombia never has a dull moment. I will examine some beautiful funny facts about Colombia in this article.

Banana Obsession In Colombia

Colombians are known for their love of bananas, and it’s not just any old banana. They have a unique variety called “banano.” This fruit is so beloved that it’s used in everything from smoothies to baked goods to savory dishes. Colombia is the fourth-largest producer of bananas in the world, and it’s no surprise that they take this fruit seriously.

Image source: Instagram @medellinismo

Quirky Colombian Cuisine

Colombian cuisine is full of surprises, from the famous “arepa” (a thick cornmeal pancake) to the unique fruit juices like “lulo.” But it’s the more unusual dishes that stand out. For example, there’s “hormigas culonas,” a dish made from fried ants, or “chontaduro,” a fruit rumored to have aphrodisiac properties. These dishes may sound bizarre to outsiders, but Colombians swear by them.

Hilarious Superstitions In Colombia

Colombians are superstitious, and some of their beliefs are downright hilarious. However, it’s said that if you sweep the floor at night, you’ll sweep away all your good luck. And if you sit on a cold surface, you’ll get hemorrhoids. Colombians also believe that leaving a broom upside down will invite bad luck into your home.

Surprising Colombian Inventions

Colombians know how to party, and their festivals are some of the wildest in the world. From the “Carnaval de Barranquilla,” second only to Rio’s carnival, to the “Feria de Cali,” a celebration of salsa music and dance, there’s always something going on in Colombia. And if you’re brave enough, you can even participate in the “Carnaval de Blancos y Negros”. Where people paint themselves in black and white and run around the streets.

Wild festivals In Colombia

Colombians know how to party, and their festivals are some of the wildest in the world. From the “Carnaval de Barranquilla,” which is second only to Rio’s carnival, to the “Feria de Cali,” a celebration of salsa music and dance, there’s always something going on in Colombia. And if you’re brave enough, you can even participate in the “Carnaval de Blancos y Negros”. Where people paint themselves in black and white and run around the streets.

Oddball Sports In Colombia

Colombians are passionate about sports, but some of their favorites might surprise you. “Tejo” is a game that involves throwing metal discs at small explosives, and “Gallito” is a game that involves hitting a small ball with a stick. But the most unusual sport is “Ultimate Tuk-Tuk,” a game that combines tuk-tuks (small three-wheeled vehicles) and frisbees.

World’s Largest Botanical Garden In Colombia

Colombia is home to the world’s most extensive botanical garden, the “Jardin Botanico de Medellin.” This 14-hectare park features over 1,000 species of plants, a butterfly exhibit, a bird sanctuary, and a collection of bonsai trees. It’s a must-visit for any nature lover visiting Colombia.

Comical Colombian Beauty Standards

Colombians take their appearance seriously, but some beauty standards are comical. Therefore, many women strive for a rounder and bigger butt, and there’s even a type of surgery called “Brazilian butt lift,” popular in Colombia. Colombians also love to wear high heels, even in situations where they’re not practical, such as hiking.

Funny Facts About Colombia Language

Colombian Spanish has a unique vocabulary and expressions that can be funny and confusing for outsiders. However, Colombians use “parcero” to refer to a friend or buddy and “bacán” to mean cool or awesome. The Colombian accent is also distinctive, with a tendency to pronounce the letter “s” like “h”. Additionally, Colombian Spanish is full of colorful idioms and expressions, such as “echar los perros” (to hit on someone) and “estar en la luna” (to be daydreaming).

Funny Facts About Colombia’s Wildlife

Colombia is home to some of the world’s most diverse and fascinating wildlife. And some of their habits and characteristics are downright funny. For example, the “hoatzin” bird has a distinctive odor, earning it the nickname “stinkbird.” And the “sloth” is famously slow-moving and spends most of its time sleeping in trees.

Funny Facts About Colombia Entertainment

Colombia is known for producing some of Latin America’s most popular soap operas, but there’s a wacky truth behind their success. Many of these shows feature supernatural elements, such as ghosts, witches, and vampires. These storylines are a hit with audiences and have helped to make Colombian soap operas a cultural phenomenon.

Image source: Instagram @creamsoda2401

Funny Colombian Expressions

Colombians have a way with words, and some expressions are downright hilarious. For example, “estar en la luna” (to be on the moon) means to be absent-minded or distracted. And “dar papaya” (to give papaya) means to make yourself an easy target. Colombians also have a unique way of cursing that involves using animal names, such as “hijueputa” (son of a bitch) and “malparido” (bastard).

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Fun Facts About Colombia Government

  1. Colombia produces some of the most popular telenovelas (soap operas) in the world, such as “Yo soy Betty, la fea” (“Ugly Betty”).
  2. The traditional Colombian dance of Cumbia says to have originated as a courtship dance among African slaves and indigenous people.
  3. Bullfighting is a popular entertainment in Colombia, but its ban in some cities due to animal rights concerns.
  4. Colombians are passionate about soccer, and the national team fiercely competes with neighboring countries like Brazil and Argentina.

Funny Facts About Colombia Mythical Madness

  1. Colombia’s rich mythology includes creatures like the “Madremonte” and the “Duende.”
  2. A mythical creature in Colombia called the “Silla de Ruedas,” a rolling wheelchair that supposedly scares people.
  3. The “Cadejo” is a mythical dog that comes in two colors, black and white, and says to protect travelers.
  4. According to Colombian legend, the “Patetarro” is a creature that sneaks up on people and tickles them until they can’t breathe.
  5. The “Mohan” is a creature in Colombian mythology that says to lure men with its beauty and then drag them underwater to their deaths.

Funny Facts About Colombia Performers

Colombians are talented and creative people, and their performers are no exception. From the comedian “Andres Lopez” to the singer “Shakira,” there are many Colombian performers who have made a name for themselves. But there are also some more unusual performers, such as “Elvis Ruelas,” a man who dresses up as Elvis Presley and performs at funerals.